Thursday, January 24, 2013

I am a Terrible Mother!

"I am a terrible mother, the worst mother in the world."  We all think that at one point or another, don't we?  When you are trapped in the throes of depression, some days it can be ALL that you think.

It is amazing how EASY the lives of everybody else can look.  I would drag myself out to the grocery store and watch how happy everybody else looked.  And Facebook, that is the perfect place to go if you want to feel more inadequate than you already do.  People usually only post the good stuff, and can leave a distorted view of the world to the rest of us.  To me it looked like all the other Mommies were doing all sorts of activities and crafts with their kids, living in their happy little bubbles.  I felt like everyone else had something that I didn't have.

But guess what?  After awhile I started feeling better.  Then I started talking to other Moms and made an important discovery.  The truth of the world is not on Facebook.  The truth is every mom feels like a terrible mother some days, even the ones that aren't battling PPD.   I actually read a comment on a blog once where a mother was saying how sad she was at bedtime, and how much she missed her kids after she went to bed.  I laughed out loud at that because it couldn't possibly be true.  Was she saying what she thought she should say?  Come on, we all have days when we can't WAIT until bedtime! We all hide in the pantry from the kids so we can get a nibble of chocolate.  None of us enjoy cleaning the toilets or folding endless baskets of laundry.  Everyone has parts of their jobs that they hate.

Guess what else?  We all LOVE our kids, happy or not, depressed or not, we all LOVE our kids.  We all feel guilty at some point.  We all wish that we could do more, that we could be more.  On the bad days we all need to remember that we love our kids.  It is okay to ask for help, it is okay to take a break.  It is important to remember that we are all doing the best that we can do.  There will be perfect moments in life, but there will be more imperfect moments.  Laugh at those moments and hug your kids close!

One of those imperfect, perfect moments of life! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It's so true. Not every mom is a pinterest-mom. :)
