Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Beautiful Boy

My intention is always to blog more often than I do.  These past few months have been especially crazy and my energy level has been low.  We have been dealing with Daddy's crazy summer work schedule, birthdays and two tonsillectomies in the family.  My daughter Anne had hers out at the end of June.  She did really well once we got past the pain medication making her sick, and we are already seeing huge improvements in her respiratory allergies!  Yay!  I might not be able to do anything about her peanut allergy, but at least she is breathing more comfortably on a daily basis.  Exactly four weeks after Anne got her tonsils out, I got mine out.  I am really glad that I did it, but the recovery was a bit challenging.  I was out of commission for two weeks.  I slept all the time.  And as soon as I was starting to feel better, I realized that I was only a week out from my son's birthday, and I caught a terrible cold right at the end of my recovery period, but we got through all of that.  I still haven't kicked the cold, but I am ready to get back to life as usual.  I have so many blog entries in my head that I feel like it is time to get writing. 

My beautiful son Matthew was born two years ago yesterday.  I can't believe that he is two already!  My PPD hit when he was five months old.  I feel like much of his life passed by in a blur.  I am grateful that there were many times that I was able to grab on to solid moments and I can remember lots of good times with him.

My little Matty...what a precious boy he is.  I am in awe of how HAPPY he always is and always has been.  Even in my darkest moments he was always happy.  I remember one point when we were struggling, my husband said "Matthew truly is the light in this house."  And he was and still is.
It is amazing how different the personalities of my children are.  Anne has her own idea of how everything should be and she will fight to get things her way.  She is also very social and talkative and wants to be in the center of everything.  Matthew is very focused, he hangs back and absorbs everything before he takes action.  With every milestone we have wondered when it was going to happen, until I realized that he was just taking everything in, and when he is ready, he just goes full throttle.  We are experiencing that right now with words.  Matty has not been much of a talker, we joke that he doesn't really need to since his sister always has so much to say.  "God made her a talking girl" is what she tells me.  Matty has had a few words here and there and has always been able to communicate his needs very effectively, at least to me.  Now, all of the sudden, in the past week, the words are coming very quickly.  I think he will be talking in sentences by the end of the month.
Matthew makes me smile every day!  I am so grateful to have him in my life!  I love the way he wants to do everything his big sister does.  I love his dimpled smile.  I love snuggling with him, especially before bed, when he lays his little head on my shoulder.  I love the way he will be playing, and then he runs over, hugs my leg and says "Hi, Mama" before running back off to play.    He is ridiculously adorable, and now that he is getting older, I struggle a bit with disciplining him because all I really want to do is pick him up and cover him with kisses, or I want to laugh at whatever predicament he has gotten himself into.  He loves his Mommy, his Daddy, his sister and his dog.  I love watching him and the dog together.
Lately his big thing has been "Goes".  Everything with wheels has been called a Go, and he gets excited every time he sees one.  I love how he loves life.  Daddy and I have been a bit disappointed the last week because he now calls them cars, which isn't quite as cute, but he still loves them just as much.  We gave him a firetruck for his birthday and he was in heaven.  He fell asleep with it in his bed that night.
Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful precious boy, the light of my life!  Thank you Matthew for helping to bring the light to me in my darkest moments.  I love you so much!

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